The idea to look for a Typewriter with Khmer script came to me when I found the book by Derek Tonkin “Modern Cambodian Writing, 1962” It is one of the best learning source for the Khmer language. Unfortunately it is hard to find on the market here in Cambodia. Continue reading →.
- Khmer Unicode and Android OS - Nokorsoft: Fix Khmer Unicode for Mac, PC and mobile phones That particular issue seems to be a new one, so it is a work in progress, perhaps you can get involved and help them perfect things for the Galaxy Tab by testing and doing bug reports for them.
- Download Khmer Unicode 2.0.1 Download Khmer OS Fonts (zip) Download Extra Unicode Fonts (zip) Download Khmer Unicode Fonts Support Adobe (zip) These fonts supported in Adobe Photoshop/InDesing/ Illustrator CS3 or CS4, and QuarkXpress 8.0 Download Khmer Unicode Fonts Sample (PDF) - For Mac - Download Unicode Fonts for Mac (zip).
- Font Khmer Unicode installation in Mac. Before to get started to install font Khmer on mac, first, you need to have font Khmer Unicode files. You can Download Font Khmer Unicode for Mac OS or use the existing font files in your Windows computer. There two ways to install the fonts in Mac.
The following fonts are installed and enabled automatically by macOS Sierra. Additional fonts are available for download or as needed by your document or app.
- Al Bayan Bold 11.0d0e1
- Al Bayan Plain 11.0d0e1
- Al Nile 10.0d8e2
- Al Nile Bold 10.0d8e2
- Al Tarikh Regular 10.0d4e1
- American Typewriter 12.0d5e2
- American Typewriter Bold 12.0d5e2
- American Typewriter Condensed 12.0d5e2
- American Typewriter Condensed Bold 12.0d5e2
- American Typewriter Condensed Light 12.0d5e2
- American Typewriter Light 12.0d5e2
- American Typewriter Semibold 12.0d5e2
- Andale Mono 2.00x
- Apple Braille 1.0d5e1
- Apple Braille Outline 6 Dot 1.0d5e1
- Apple Braille Outline 8 Dot 1.0d5e1
- Apple Braille Pinpoint 6 Dot 1.0d5e1
- Apple Braille Pinpoint 8 Dot 1.0d5e1
- Apple Chancery 8.0d1e1
- Apple Color Emoji 12.0d11e1
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Bold 11.0d2e1
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Heavy 11.0d2e1
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Light 11.0d2e1
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Medium 11.0d2e1
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Regular 11.0d2e1
- Apple SD Gothic Neo SemiBold 11.0d2e1
- Apple SD Gothic Neo Thin 11.0d2e1
- Apple SD Gothic Neo UltraLight 11.0d2e1
- Apple SD GothicNeo ExtraBold 11.0d2e1
- Apple Symbols 12.0d3e10
- AppleGothic Regular 9.0d1e2
- AppleMyungjo Regular 11.0d1e1
- Arial 5.01.2x
- Arial Black 5.00.1x
- Arial Bold 5.01.2x
- Arial Bold Italic 5.00.2x
- Arial Hebrew 10.0d7e1
- Arial Hebrew Bold 10.0d7e1
- Arial Hebrew Light 10.0d7e1
- Arial Hebrew Scholar 10.0d7e1
- Arial Hebrew Scholar Bold 10.0d7e1
- Arial Hebrew Scholar Light 10.0d7e1
- Arial Italic 5.00.2x
- Arial Narrow 2.38.1x
- Arial Narrow Bold 2.38.1x
- Arial Narrow Bold Italic 2.38.1x
- Arial Narrow Italic 2.38.1x
- Arial Rounded MT Bold 1.51x
- Arial Unicode MS 1.01x
- Avenir Black 8.0d5e4
- Avenir Black Oblique 8.0d5e4
- Avenir Book 8.0d5e4
- Avenir Book Oblique 8.0d5e4
- Avenir Heavy 8.0d5e4
- Avenir Heavy Oblique 8.0d5e4
- Avenir Light 8.0d5e4
- Avenir Light Oblique 8.0d5e4
- Avenir Medium 8.0d5e4
- Avenir Medium Oblique 8.0d5e4
- Avenir Next Bold 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Bold Italic 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Condensed Bold 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Condensed Bold Italic 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Condensed Demi Bold 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Condensed Demi Bold Italic 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Condensed Heavy 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Condensed Heavy Italic 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Condensed Italic 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Condensed Medium 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Condensed Medium Italic 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Condensed Regular 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Condensed Ultra Light Italic 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Demi Bold 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Demi Bold Italic 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Heavy 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Heavy Italic 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Italic 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Medium 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Medium Italic 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Regular 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Ultra Light 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Next Ultra Light Italic 12.0d1e9
- Avenir Oblique 8.0d5e4
- Avenir Roman 8.0d5e4
- Ayuthaya 10.10d1e1
- Baghdad Regular 10.0d3e2
- Bangla MN 12.0d1e5
- Bangla MN Bold 12.0d1e5
- Bangla Sangam MN 12.0d2e1
- Bangla Sangam MN Bold 12.0d2e1
- Baskerville 12.0d2e3
- Baskerville Bold 12.0d2e3
- Baskerville Bold Italic 12.0d2e3
- Baskerville Italic 12.0d2e3
- Baskerville SemiBold 12.0d2e3
- Baskerville SemiBold Italic 12.0d2e3
- Beirut Regular 10.0d6e2
- Big Caslon Medium 10.0d2e1
- Bodoni 72 Bold 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni 72 Book 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni 72 Book Italic 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Bold 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Book 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni 72 Oldstyle Book Italic 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni 72 Smallcaps Book 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni Ornaments 10.0d1e1
- Bradley Hand Bold 10.0d1e1
- Brush Script MT Italic 1.52x-1
- Chalkboard 10.0d1e1
- Chalkboard Bold 10.0d1e1
- Chalkboard SE Bold 10.0d1e1
- Chalkboard SE Light 10.0d1e1
- Chalkboard SE Regular 10.0d1e1
- Chalkduster 7.0d6e1
- Cochin 8.0d3e6
- Cochin Bold 8.0d3e6
- Cochin Bold Italic 8.0d3e6
- Cochin Italic 8.0d3e6
- Comic Sans MS 5.00x
- Comic Sans MS Bold 5.00x
- Copperplate 9.0d3e1
- Copperplate Bold 9.0d3e1
- Copperplate Light 9.0d3e1
- Corsiva Hebrew 9.0d2e1
- Corsiva Hebrew Bold 9.0d2e1
- Courier 11.0d2e1
- Courier Bold 11.0d2e1
- Courier Bold Oblique 11.0d2e1
- Courier New 5.00.2x
- Courier New Bold 5.00.2x
- Courier New Bold Italic 5.00x
- Courier New Italic 5.00.1x
- Courier Oblique 11.0d2e1
- Damascus Bold 10.0d5e1
- Damascus Light 10.0d5e1
- Damascus Medium 10.0d5e1
- Damascus Regular 10.0d5e1
- Damascus Semi Bold 10.0d5e1
- DecoType Naskh Regular 12.0d1e1
- Devanagari MT 10.0d2e1
- Devanagari MT Bold 10.0d2e1
- Devanagari Sangam MN 12.0d1e1
- Devanagari Sangam MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Didot 9.0d2e1
- Didot Bold 9.0d2e1
- Didot Italic 9.0d2e1
- Diwan Kufi Regular 10.0d3e9
- Diwan Thuluth Regular 10.0d2e1
- Euphemia UCAS 10.0d1e2
- Euphemia UCAS Bold 10.0d1e2
- Euphemia UCAS Italic 10.0d1e2
- Farah Regular 10.0d3e2
- Farisi Regular 10.0d3e1
- Futura Bold 11.0d1e5
- Futura Condensed ExtraBold 11.0d1e5
- Futura Condensed Medium 11.0d1e5
- Futura Medium 11.0d1e5
- Futura Medium Italic 11.0d1e5
- GB18030 Bitmap 6.0d2e2
- Geeza Pro Bold 12.0d1e3
- Geeza Pro Regular 12.0d1e3
- Geneva 11.0d1e2
- Georgia 5.00x-4
- Georgia Bold 5.00x-4
- Georgia Bold Italic 5.00x-4
- Georgia Italic 5.00x-4
- Gill Sans 9.0d7e8
- Gill Sans Bold 9.0d7e8
- Gill Sans Bold Italic 9.0d7e8
- Gill Sans Italic 9.0d7e8
- Gill Sans Light 9.0d7e8
- Gill Sans Light Italic 9.0d7e8
- Gill Sans SemiBold 9.0d7e8
- Gill Sans SemiBold Italic 9.0d7e8
- Gill Sans UltraBold 9.0d7e8
- Gujarati MT 10.0d1e1
- Gujarati MT Bold 10.0d1e1
- Gujarati Sangam MN 12.0d1e1
- Gujarati Sangam MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Gurmukhi MN 12.0d1e1
- Gurmukhi MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Gurmukhi MT 6.0d2e1
- Gurmukhi Sangam MN 12.0d1e1
- Gurmukhi Sangam MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Heiti SC Light 10.0d7e3
- Heiti SC Medium 10.0d7e3
- Heiti TC Light 10.0d7e3
- Heiti TC Medium 10.0d7e3
- Helvetica 12.0d1e3
- Helvetica Bold 12.0d1e3
- Helvetica Bold Oblique 12.0d1e3
- Helvetica Light 12.0d1e3
- Helvetica Light Oblique 12.0d1e3
- Helvetica Neue 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue Bold 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue Bold Italic 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue Condensed Black 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue Condensed Bold 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue Italic 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue Light 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue Light Italic 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue Medium 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue Medium Italic 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue Thin 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue Thin Italic 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue UltraLight 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Neue UltraLight Italic 12.0d0e2
- Helvetica Oblique 12.0d1e3
- Herculanum 12.0d1e1
- Hiragino Maru Gothic ProN W4 11.0d2e1
- Hiragino Mincho ProN W3 11.0d2e1
- Hiragino Mincho ProN W6 11.0d2e1
- Hiragino Sans GB W3 3.20
- Hiragino Sans GB W6 3.20
- Hiragino Sans W0 11.0d7e1
- Hiragino Sans W1 11.0d7e1
- Hiragino Sans W2 11.0d7e1
- Hiragino Sans W3 11.0d7e4
- Hiragino Sans W4 11.0d7e1
- Hiragino Sans W5 11.0d7e1
- Hiragino Sans W6 11.0d7e4
- Hiragino Sans W7 11.0d7e1
- Hiragino Sans W8 11.0d7e4
- Hiragino Sans W9 11.0d7e1
- Hoefler Text 8.0d3e3
- Hoefler Text Black 8.0d3e3
- Hoefler Text Black Italic 8.0d3e3
- Hoefler Text Italic 8.0d3e3
- Hoefler Text Ornaments 8.0d4e2
- ITF Devanagari Bold 10.0d4e1
- ITF Devanagari Book 10.0d4e1
- ITF Devanagari Demi 10.0d4e1
- ITF Devanagari Light 10.0d4e1
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Bold 10.0d4e1
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Book 10.0d4e1
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Demi 10.0d4e1
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Light 10.0d4e1
- ITF Devanagari Marathi Medium 10.0d4e1
- ITF Devanagari Medium 10.0d4e1
- Impact 5.00x
- InaiMathi 10.0d1e1
- Kailasa Bold 10.0d1e1
- Kailasa Regular 10.0d1e1
- Kannada MN 12.0d1e1
- Kannada MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Kannada Sangam MN 12.0d1e1
- Kannada Sangam MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Kefa Bold 10.0d1e1
- Kefa Regular 10.0d1e1
- Khmer MN 12.0d2e3
- Khmer MN Bold 12.0d2e3
- Khmer Sangam MN 12.0d1e28
- Kohinoor Bangla 10.0d3e2
- Kohinoor Bangla Bold 10.0d3e2
- Kohinoor Bangla Light 10.0d3e2
- Kohinoor Bangla Medium 10.0d3e2
- Kohinoor Bangla Semibold 10.0d3e2
- Kohinoor Devanagari Bold 10.0d16e1
- Kohinoor Devanagari Light 10.0d16e1
- Kohinoor Devanagari Medium 10.0d16e1
- Kohinoor Devanagari Regular 10.0d16e1
- Kohinoor Devanagari Semibold 10.0d16e1
- Kohinoor Telugu 10.0d1e1
- Kohinoor Telugu Bold 10.0d1e1
- Kohinoor Telugu Light 10.0d1e1
- Kohinoor Telugu Medium 10.0d1e1
- Kohinoor Telugu Semibold 10.0d1e1
- Kokonor Regular 12.0d2e15
- Krungthep 10.0d1e1
- KufiStandardGK Regular 10.0d3e1
- Lao MN 12.0d1e1
- Lao MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Lao Sangam MN 12.0d2e1
- Lucida Grande 10.0d1e2
- Lucida Grande Bold 10.0d1e2
- Luminari 9.0d2e1
- Malayalam MN 12.0d1e1
- Malayalam MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Malayalam Sangam MN 12.0d1e1
- Malayalam Sangam MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Marker Felt Thin 9.0d1e1
- Marker Felt Wide 9.0d1e1
- Menlo Bold 12.0d1e2
- Menlo Bold Italic 12.0d1e2
- Menlo Italic 12.0d1e2
- Menlo Regular 12.0d1e2
- Microsoft Sans Serif 5.00.1x
- Mishafi Gold Regular 10.0d4e2
- Mishafi Regular 10.0d3e1
- Monaco 7.0d1e1
- Mshtakan 10.0d1e1
- Mshtakan Bold 10.0d1e1
- Mshtakan BoldOblique 10.0d1e1
- Mshtakan Oblique 10.0d1e1
- Muna Black 10.0d3e1
- Muna Bold 10.0d3e1
- Muna Regular 10.0d3e1
- Myanmar MN 12.0d2e1
- Myanmar MN Bold 12.0d2e1
- Myanmar Sangam MN 12.0d2e2
- Myanmar Sangam MN Bold 12.0d2e2
- Nadeem Regular 10.0d4e2
- New Peninim MT 9.0d1e1
- New Peninim MT Bold 9.0d1e1
- New Peninim MT Bold Inclined 9.0d1e1
- New Peninim MT Inclined 9.0d1e1
- Noteworthy Bold 9.0d1e1
- Noteworthy Light 9.0d1e1
- Optima Bold 11.0d2e1
- Optima Bold Italic 11.0d2e1
- Optima ExtraBlack 11.0d2e1
- Optima Italic 11.0d2e1
- Optima Regular 11.0d2e1
- Oriya MN 12.0d1e1
- Oriya MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Oriya Sangam MN 12.0d1e1
- Oriya Sangam MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- PT Mono 10.0d1e1
- PT Mono Bold 10.0d1e1
- PT Sans 10.0d1e1
- PT Sans Bold 10.0d1e1
- PT Sans Bold Italic 10.0d1e1
- PT Sans Caption 10.0d1e1
- PT Sans Caption Bold 10.0d1e1
- PT Sans Italic 10.0d1e1
- PT Sans Narrow 10.0d1e1
- PT Sans Narrow Bold 10.0d1e1
- PT Serif 10.0d1e1
- PT Serif Bold 10.0d1e1
- PT Serif Bold Italic 10.0d1e1
- PT Serif Caption 10.0d1e1
- PT Serif Caption Italic 10.0d1e1
- PT Serif Italic 10.0d1e1
- Palatino 11.0d2e1
- Palatino Bold 11.0d2e1
- Palatino Bold Italic 11.0d2e1
- Palatino Italic 11.0d2e1
- Papyrus 11.0d1e1
- Papyrus Condensed 11.0d1e1
- Phosphate Inline 12.0d1e31
- Phosphate Solid 12.0d1e31
- PingFang HK Light 12.0d8e2
- PingFang HK Medium 12.0d8e2
- PingFang HK Regular 12.0d8e2
- PingFang HK Semibold 12.0d8e2
- PingFang HK Thin 12.0d8e2
- PingFang HK Ultralight 12.0d8e2
- PingFang SC Light 12.0d8e2
- PingFang SC Medium 12.0d8e2
- PingFang SC Regular 12.0d8e2
- PingFang SC Semibold 12.0d8e2
- PingFang SC Thin 12.0d8e2
- PingFang SC Ultralight 12.0d8e2
- PingFang TC Light 12.0d8e2
- PingFang TC Medium 12.0d8e2
- PingFang TC Regular 12.0d8e2
- PingFang TC Semibold 12.0d8e2
- PingFang TC Thin 12.0d8e2
- PingFang TC Ultralight 12.0d8e2
- Plantagenet Cherokee 10.0d1e1
- Raanana 12.0d2e1
- Raanana Bold 12.0d2e1
- STIXGeneral-Bold 1.1.0
- STIXGeneral-BoldItalic 1.1.0
- STIXGeneral-Italic 1.1.0
- STIXGeneral-Regular 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsD-Bold 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsD-Regular 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsSm-Bold 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsSm-Regular 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUp-Bold 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUp-Regular 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUpD-Bold 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUpD-Regular 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUpSm-Bold 1.1.0
- STIXIntegralsUpSm-Regular 1.1.0
- STIXNonUnicode-Bold 1.1.0
- STIXNonUnicode-BoldItalic 1.1.0
- STIXNonUnicode-Italic 1.1.0
- STIXNonUnicode-Regular 1.1.0
- STIXSizeFiveSym-Regular 1.1.0
- STIXSizeFourSym-Bold 1.1.0
- STIXSizeFourSym-Regular 1.1.0
- STIXSizeOneSym-Bold 1.1.0
- STIXSizeOneSym-Regular 1.1.0
- STIXSizeThreeSym-Bold 1.1.0
- STIXSizeThreeSym-Regular 1.1.0
- STIXSizeTwoSym-Bold 1.1.0
- STIXSizeTwoSym-Regular 1.1.0
- STIXVariants-Bold 1.1.0
- STIXVariants-Regular 1.1.0
- STSong 11.0d2e2
- Sana Regular 10.0d4e1
- Sathu 10.10d1e1
- Savoye LET Plain:1.0 10.0d1e1
- Shree Devanagari 714 9.0d3e1
- Shree Devanagari 714 Bold 9.0d3e1
- Shree Devanagari 714 Bold Italic 9.0d3e1
- Shree Devanagari 714 Italic 9.0d3e1
- SignPainter-HouseScript 11.0d6e1
- SignPainter-HouseScript Semibold 11.0d6e1
- Silom 10.10d1e1
- Sinhala MN 12.0d1e1
- Sinhala MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Sinhala Sangam MN 12.0d1e2
- Sinhala Sangam MN Bold 12.0d1e2
- Skia Black 10.0d4e1
- Skia Black Condensed 10.0d4e1
- Skia Black Extended 10.0d4e1
- Skia Bold 10.0d4e1
- Skia Condensed 10.0d4e1
- Skia Extended 10.0d4e1
- Skia Light 10.0d4e1
- Skia Light Condensed 10.0d4e1
- Skia Light Extended 10.0d4e1
- Skia Regular 10.0d4e1
- Snell Roundhand 10.0d5e5
- Snell Roundhand Black 10.0d5e5
- Snell Roundhand Bold 10.0d5e5
- Songti SC Black 11.0d2e2
- Songti SC Bold 11.0d2e2
- Songti SC Light 11.0d2e2
- Songti SC Regular 11.0d2e2
- Songti TC Bold 11.0d2e2
- Songti TC Light 11.0d2e2
- Songti TC Regular 11.0d2e2
- Sukhumvit Set Bold 9.0d4e1
- Sukhumvit Set Light 9.0d4e1
- Sukhumvit Set Medium 9.0d4e1
- Sukhumvit Set Semi Bold 9.0d4e1
- Sukhumvit Set Text 9.0d4e1
- Sukhumvit Set Thin 9.0d4e1
- Symbol 11.1d1e1
- Tahoma 5.01.2x
- Tahoma Negreta 5.01.1x
- Tamil MN 12.0d2e1
- Tamil MN Bold 12.0d2e1
- Tamil Sangam MN 12.0d2e2
- Tamil Sangam MN Bold 12.0d2e2
- Telugu MN 12.0d1e1
- Telugu MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Telugu Sangam MN 12.0d1e1
- Telugu Sangam MN Bold 12.0d1e1
- Thonburi 10.10d3e2
- Thonburi Bold 10.10d3e2
- Thonburi Light 10.10d3e2
- Times Bold 10.0d1e3
- Times Bold Italic 10.0d1e3
- Times Italic 10.0d1e3
- Times New Roman 5.01.3x
- Times New Roman Bold 5.01.3x
- Times New Roman Bold Italic 5.00.3x
- Times New Roman Italic 5.00.3x
- Times Roman 10.0d1e3
- Trattatello 10.0d1e1
- Trebuchet MS 5.00x
- Trebuchet MS Bold 5.00x
- Trebuchet MS Bold Italic 5.00x
- Trebuchet MS Italic 5.00x
- Verdana 5.01x
- Verdana Bold 5.01x
- Verdana Bold Italic 5.01x
- Verdana Italic 5.01x
- Waseem Light 10.0d3e1
- Waseem Regular 10.0d3e1
- Webdings 5.00x
- Wingdings 5.00x
- Wingdings 2 1.55x
- Wingdings 3 1.55x
- Zapf Dingbats 6.1d3e1
- Zapfino 12.0d1e6
Fonts available for download in macOS Sierra
To download and enable any of these fonts:
- Open Font Book from your Applications folder.
- Select the font to download. Fonts available for download appear dimmed in the list of fonts.
- Click the Download button in the upper-right corner of the window, or choose Edit > Download.
- Apple LiGothic Medium 6.1d3e3
- Apple LiSung Light 6.1d1e4
- Baoli SC Regular 12.0d3e2
- Baoli TC Regular 12.0d3e2
- BiauKai 12.0d1e4
- GungSeo Regular 7.0d2e2
- Hannotate SC Bold 12.0d2e2
- Hannotate SC Regular 12.0d2e2
- Hannotate TC Bold 12.0d2e2
- Hannotate TC Regular 12.0d2e2
- HanziPen SC Bold 12.0d2e2
- HanziPen SC Regular 12.0d2e2
- HanziPen TC Bold 12.0d2e2
- HanziPen TC Regular 12.0d2e2
- HeadLineA Regular 6.1d5e2
- Hei Regular 6.1d4e2
- Hiragino Sans CNS W3 3.00
- Hiragino Sans CNS W6 3.00
- Kaiti TC Black 12.0d4e5
- Kaiti TC Bold 12.0d4e5
- Kaiti TC Regular 12.0d4e5
- Klee Demibold 11.0d5e3
- Klee Medium 11.0d5e3
- Lantinghei SC Demibold 10.10d2e2
- Lantinghei SC Extralight 10.10d2e2
- Lantinghei SC Heavy 10.10d2e2
- Lantinghei TC Demibold 10.10d2e2
- Lantinghei TC Extralight 10.10d2e2
- Lantinghei TC Heavy 10.10d2e2
- Libian SC Regular 12.0d3e3
- Libian TC Regular 12.0d3e3
- LiHei Pro 6.0d5e2
- LingWai SC Medium 12.0d3e2
- LingWai TC Medium 12.0d3e2
- LiSong Pro 6.0d5e2
- Myriad Arabic 10.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Black 10.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Black Italic 10.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Bold 10.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Bold Italic 10.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Italic 10.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Light 10.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Light Italic 10.0d1e1
- Myriad Arabic Semibold Italic 10.0d1e1
- Nanum Brush Script 10.0d1e1
- Nanum Pen Script 10.0d1e1
- NanumGothic 10.0d1e1
- NanumGothic Bold 10.0d1e1
- NanumGothic ExtraBold 10.0d1e1
- NanumMyeongjo 10.0d1e1
- NanumMyeongjo Bold 10.0d1e1
- NanumMyeongjo ExtraBold 10.0d1e1
- Osaka 6.1d3e5
- Osaka-Mono 6.1d3e5
- PCMyungjo Regular 7.0d2e4
- PilGi Regular 6.1d5e2
- Songti SC Black 11.0d2e2
- Songti SC Bold 11.0d2e2
- Songti SC Light 11.0d2e2
- Songti SC Regular 11.0d2e2
- Songti TC Bold 11.0d2e2
- Songti TC Light 11.0d2e2
- Songti TC Regular 11.0d2e2
- STFangsong 8.0d6e2
- STHeiti 6.1d3e1
- STKaiti 12.0d4e5
- STSong 11.0d2e2
- STXihei 11.0d1e2
- Toppan Bunkyu Gothic Demibold 11.0d6e2
- Toppan Bunkyu Gothic Regular 11.0d6e2
- Toppan Bunkyu Midashi Gothic Extrabold 11.0d6e2
- Toppan Bunkyu Midashi Mincho Extrabold 11.0d6e2
- Toppan Bunkyu Mincho Regular 11.0d6e2
- Tsukushi A Round Gothic Bold 11.0d5e1
- Tsukushi A Round Gothic Regular 11.0d5e1
- Tsukushi B Round Gothic Bold 11.0d5e1
- Tsukushi B Round Gothic Regular 11.0d5e1
- Wawati SC Regular 8.0d2e2
- Wawati TC Regular 8.0d2e2
- Weibei SC Bold 9.0d2e2
- Weibei TC Bold 9.0d2e2
- Xingkai SC Bold 12.0d3e7
- Xingkai SC Light 12.0d3e7
- Xingkai TC Bold 12.0d3e7
- Xingkai TC Light 12.0d3e7
- Yuanti SC Bold 10.11d6e2
- Yuanti SC Light 10.11d6e2
- Yuanti SC Regular 10.11d6e2
- Yuanti TC Bold 10.11d6e2
- Yuanti TC Light 10.11d6e2
- Yuanti TC Regular 10.11d6e2
- YuGothic Bold 12.0d2e6
- YuGothic Medium 12.0d2e6
- YuKyokasho Bold 11.0d4e4
- YuKyokasho Medium 11.0d4e4
- YuKyokasho Yoko Bold 11.0d4e4
- YuKyokasho Yoko Medium 11.0d4e4
- YuMincho +36p Kana Demibold 11.1d4e1
- YuMincho +36p Kana Extrabold 11.1d4e1
- YuMincho +36p Kana Medium 11.1d4e1
- YuMincho Demibold 11.1d4e1
- YuMincho Extrabold 11.1d4e1
- YuMincho Medium 11.1d4e1
- Yuppy SC Regular 12.0d2e2
- Yuppy TC Regular 12.0d2e2
Fonts available for document support in macOS Sierra
These fonts are available only in documents that already use the font, or in apps that request the font by name. Some are older fonts that were included with earlier versions of the Mac operating system or Apple apps.
- Academy Engraved LET Plain:1.0 11.01e0
- Al Firat Regular 10.0d4e1
- Al Khalil Bold 10.0d4e1
- Al Khalil Regular 10.0d4e1
- Al Rafidain Al Fanni 10.0d4e1
- Al Rafidain Regular 12.0d1e2
- Algiers Regular 10.0d3e1
- Asphalt Medium 11.0d4e1
- Balega Regular 12.0d5e1
- Bank Gothic Light 10.0d1e1
- Bank Gothic Medium 10.0d1e1
- Basra Bold 10.0d4e1
- Basra Regular 10.0d4e1
- Bebas Neue 9.0d3e1
- Blackmoor LET Plain:2.0 10.0d2e2
- BlairMdITC TT Medium 9.0d1e1
- Bodoni Ornaments ITC TT 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni SvtyTwo ITC TT Bold 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni SvtyTwo ITC TT Book 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni SvtyTwo ITC TT BookIta 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni SvtyTwo OS ITC TT Bold 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni SvtyTwo OS ITC TT Book 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni SvtyTwo OS ITC TT BookIt 10.0d1e1
- Bodoni SvtyTwo SC ITC TT Book 10.0d1e1
- Book Antiqua 9.0d5e2
- Book Antiqua Bold 9.0d5e2
- Book Antiqua Bold Italic 9.0d5e2
- Book Antiqua Italic 9.0d5e2
- Bookman Old Style 9.0d5e1
- Bookman Old Style Bold 9.0d5e1
- Bookman Old Style Bold Italic 9.0d5e1
- Bookman Old Style Italic 9.0d5e1
- Bordeaux Roman Bold LET Plain 10.0d1e3
- Bradley Hand ITC TT Bold 10.0d1e1
- Braganza 7.0d1e5
- Capitals 10.0d1e6
- Century Gothic 9.0d5e1
- Century Gothic Bold 9.0d5e1
- Century Gothic Bold Italic 9.0d5e1
- Century Gothic Italic 9.0d5e1
- Century Schoolbook 9.0d5e2
- Century Schoolbook Bold 9.0d5e2
- Century Schoolbook Bold Italic 9.0d5e2
- Century Schoolbook Italic 9.0d5e2
- Charcoal CY 6.1d5e1
- Dear Joe Four 11.0d4e1
- Dear Joe Four Small 11.0d4e1
- Dear Joe Four Small Semibold 11.0d4e1
- Dijla Regular 10.0d4e1
- Druk Heavy Italic 12.0d2e1
- Fakt Slab Stencil Pro Medium 12.0d1e1
- Forgotten Futurist Bold 10.0d1e1
- Forgotten Futurist Bold Italic 10.0d1e1
- Forgotten Futurist Italic 10.0d1e1
- Forgotten Futurist Regular 10.0d1e1
- Forgotten Futurist Shadow 10.0d1e1
- Garamond 9.0d5e2
- Garamond Bold 9.0d5e2
- Garamond Bold Italic 9.0d5e2
- Garamond Italic 9.0d5e2
- Geneva CY 6.1d5e1
- Helvetica CY Bold 6.1d6e1
- Helvetica CY BoldOblique 6.1d6e1
- Helvetica CY Oblique 6.1d6e1
- Helvetica CY Plain 6.1d6e1
- Hopper Script Regular 1.0d4e1
- Jazz LET Plain:1.0 10.0d1e2
- Journal Sans New Inline 12.0d2e1
- Koufi Abjadi Regular 10.0d4e1
- Laimoon Regular 10.0d4e1
- Lantinghei TC Extralight 10.10d2e2
- Mona Lisa Solid ITC TT 10.0d1e2
- Nisan Regular 10.0d4e1
- Noto Sans Avestan Version 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Balinese Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Bamum Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Batak Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Brahmi Version 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Buginese Version 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Buhid 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Carian 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Cham 1.01 uh
- Noto Sans Coptic 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Cuneiform 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Cypriot 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Glagolitic 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Gothic 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Hanunoo 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Javanese 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Kaithi 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Kayah Li 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Kharoshthi 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Lepcha 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Limbu 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Linear B 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Lisu 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Lycian 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Lydian 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Mandaic 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Meetei Mayek 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Mongolian 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans New Tai Lue 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans NKo 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Ogham 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Ol Chiki 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Old Italic 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Old Persian 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Old South Arabian 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Old Turkic 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Osmanya 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Phags Pa 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Phoenician 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Rejang 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Runic 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Samaritan 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Saurashtra 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Shavia 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Sundanese 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Syloti Nagri 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Syriac Eastern 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Tagalog 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Tagbanwa 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Tai Le 1.04 uh
- Noto Sans Tai Tham 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Tai Viet 1.03 uh
- Noto Sans Thaana 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Tifinagh 1.05 uh
- Noto Sans Ugaritic 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Vai 1.02 uh
- Noto Sans Yi 1.02 uh
- Party LET Plain 8.0d2e1
- PortagoITC TT 10.0d1e2
- Princetown LET 10.0d1e3
- Raya Regular 10.0d4e1
- Rockwell Bold 12.0d4e1
- Santa Fe LET Plain:1.0 10.0d1e6
- Scheme-Bold 11.0d3e3
- SchoolHouse Cursive B 10.0d1e2
- SchoolHouse Printed A 10.0d1e2
- Somer Regular 10.0d4e1
- Stone Sans ITC TT Bold 9.0d1e1
- Stone Sans Sem ITC TT Semi 9.0d1e1
- Stone Sans Sem ITC TT SemiIta 9.0d1e1
- Synchro LET 10.0d1e3
- The Hand Serif Semibold 12.0d4e1
- Tw Cen MT 9.0d4e1
- Tw Cen MT Bold 9.0d4e1
- Tw Cen MT Bold Italic 9.0d4e1
- Tw Cen MT Italic 9.0d4e1
- Type Embellishments One LET Embellishments One LET Plain:1.0 10.0d1e2
- Yaziji Regular 10.0d4e1
- Zawra Bold 10.0d5e1
- Zawra Heavy 10.0d5e1
Learn more
You can use Font Book to install and preview fonts, validate and resolve duplicate fonts, and restore the standard fonts that came with macOS Sierra. For more information about Font Book, choose Font Book Help from the Help menu in Font Book.
Khmer Unicode Fonts For Mac Download
macOS Sierra installs fonts in these folders on your Mac:
- The Library folder in your System folder: /System/Library/Fonts. These fonts are required by your Mac and can't be disabled in Font Book.
- The Library folder at the top level of your hard drive: /Library/Fonts.
As computer and internet industry gain influence and market in Cambodia, several types of Khmer fonts have been developed as well, such as Khek font, Limon font, Zero-Space font, and many others just to name a few. Most of them were not developed by using Unicode or meet the guideline of the Unicode Standards. However, all of these fonts have been widely utilized with word processing, such as Word in Microsoft Office. Because many of these fonts were neither developed using Unicode Standards nor adopted by makers of World Wide Web (WWW) browsers, many Khmer fonts were not readable without special library drivers.
Khmer Unicode
Khmer Unicode For Mac (OS X):
All Mac with OS X is built with Khmer Unicode ready; meaning that, you can write and read in Khmer without install Khmer font in your system. Follow the below steps
1 - Go to Top Left Corner and click on APPLE and select System Preferences
2 - Click on 'Language & Region'
3 - Click on 'Keyboard Preferences'
4 - Click Plus symbol '+'
5 - Scroll down to and select 'Khmer', then click 'Add'
6 - You should see this on Top Right Corner
Then, you can install fonts styles.
Khmer Unicode For Window Vista:
Microsoft Window Vista (32bit and 64 bit) comes with Khmer Unicode built-in, but required you to set it up in order to read Web page using Khmer Unicode or to write in Khmer Unicode properly. The keyboard layout is a little bit different from keyboard layout developed by NIDA. Example, to type, kra-bey (in khmer), firstly type 'K', then press 'Space' to reserve space for Jerng (or Chherng) and press 'R'. To space between character, hold 'Shift' and press 'Space'. Now, you should have kra. Download Khmer OS fonts from the right side and you will enjoy and have fun with all the fonts style and types.
- Download Instruction PDF file: How to Set Up Khmer Unicode on Your Window Vista (32-bit or 64-bit) (by Han So).
Khmer Software Initiative (KhmerOS), National Information Communications Technology Development Authority (NIDA), and Open Institute joined to create a project for developing OpenSource software that can accommodate Khmer Unicode-based fonts. Khmer Unicode is a part of their project, but it has not yet widely utilized or built-in as part internet browsers or software applications. It is, however, gradually becoming popular among users/developers in Cambodia. Khmer Unicode has been developed to use in platforms such as:
- OpenOffice (Word Processing),
- OpenSUSE (Linux based Operation System),
- Khmer Email Application (Thunderbird-based email application),
- Mekhala (FireFox-based Internet Browser)
Khmer Unicode For Window XP:
For MS Window XP, Khmer Unicode Keyboard (NIDA 1.0) driver is required. KhmerUnicode2.0.0.exe (developed by KhmerOS and NIDA) has both Khmer Unicode software and Khmer Unicode Keyboard (NIDA 1.0). Please follow the below instruction to download and install it. If you install the Khmer Unicode in your computer system correctly, you should be able at least to view the web site in Khmer via Mozilla FireFox, MS IE, Opera, and Safari. After installing it and you would like to see if you can read/view the page in Khmer Unicode, open your FireFox browser, and go to all these website, Radio Free Asia (, in FireFox), To type in khmer, you are recommended to read the Instruction, 'Documents How to Write' and follow the Keyboard Layout.
If your MS Window XP has Service Pack 2 installed, you can view the pages of Radio Free Asia ( in Khmer via Internet Exploer 6.0 or higher. In this case, RFA utilizes WEFT to have the pages viewed in Khmer even without Khmer Unicode installed.
How to install Khmer Unicode (KhmerUnicode2.0.0.exe) on Your Window XP and Vista 32-bit (Click Khmer Unicode for Microsoft Window Vist 64-bit (x86))
- Download (version 2.0.0)
- Use a Zip softwares to Extract the
- Installation:
Double click on this KhmerUnicode2.0.0.exe icon
Click 'Next' as indicating by the arrow
Click 'Next' as indecating by the arrow
It may take minutes to wait...
Click 'Finish'
At the bottom-corner of your computer screen, you should see this image that allow you to select either CA: Catalan or EN:English (United States) for Writing (Typing). For writing in Khmer, you need to select CA:Catalan.
How to type Khmer Unicode in English (PDF)
How to type Khmer Unicode in Khmer (PDF)
KkhmerOS Download Page
Khmer Fonts Using TrueType
If a computer system and/or software uses TrueType fonts, then Khek font as described below works perfectly.
- Khek font is developed by Khek Brothers, one of the earliest groups designing high quality Khmer fonts. Khek font was primarily made for use with Microsoft products running on Windows platform such as the various Windows versions from 3.x all the way to the current Vista. It also runs on Apple computers including Macintosh and the current family of iMacs. Khek font is the most popular among users in the United States and other oversea countries. Learn more
- Limon font and ABC Zero-Space font are traditional fonts developed using “Legacy Encodings”, which is not part Unicode Standards. These two fonts are free and can be downloaded on this page under download section.
Khmer OpenType by Microsoft
Microsoft created an OpenType font and has been supporting it as standard, while Apple created ATT. In 2004 the OpenType font was adopted and supported by Adobe. Font developers creating Khmer fonts can use OpenType standard. Learn more
Notes: This page does not focus on the technical parts of how Khmer fonts were created or the fundamentals of Khmer Unicode. But it does show how to utilize Khmer fonts and where to get Khmer fonts.
References and Khmer Fonts Resources:
This page does not focus on the technical part of how Khmer Fonts were created nor the fundamental of Khmer Unicode, but how to utilize Khmer font and where to get Khmer fonts. If you have any questions about the fonts here please feel free to send them too: , thank you.
Font Khmer Unicode Kh
• Khmer Unicode
•Khmer Fonts Unicode
• Khmer Unicode for Window XP
• Documents How to Write
• Khmer Unicode for Window Vista
• Instruction to Set Up Khmer Unicode for Vista (PDF)
• Khmer Unicode Keyboard Layout
• NIDA Keyboard Layout (if you use Mostlikely, when you are using Window XP)
• Vista Keyboard Layout
• Khmer Converter
Traditional Khmer Fonts
• Limon Fonts
• ABC Zero-Space Fonts
• Keyboard Layout for Limon Fonts
• Keyboard Layout for ABC Zero-Space
• KhmerOS Fonts - KhmerUnicode
• All KhmerOS fonts(V.5.0) (2.5 MB)
• Khmer OS (259 KB)
• Khmer OS System (258 KB)
• Khmer OS Moul (311 KB)
• Khmer OS Freehand (244 KB)
• Khmer OS Fasthand (232 KB)
• Khmer OS Metal Chrieng (226 KB)
• Khmer OS battambang (202 KB)
• KhmerOS bokor (209 KB)
• Khmer OS muol light (227 KB)
• Khmer OS muol pali (137 KB)
• Khmer OS siemreap (129 KB)
• Khmer OS content (195 KB)
Early Version Download:
To type Khmer fonts on the web, download the following:
- MS-Windows Khmer Fonts Package: File size ~141k
- Keyboard Template: File size ~150k
- KeyBind Program ver. 1.00 for MS-Windows: File size ~85k
- Mac Fonts: File size ~143k
- Mac Fonts (Binhexed): File size ~195k
For Mac, download the following:
Khmer Fonts Package for Windows, download the following:
- Khmer Fonts Package For Windows: File size ~441k
- Keyboard Template: File size ~350k
Thanks to tbun, we should finally have a working version of the Mac Font. Let me know if it doesn't work.