Gmod Darkrp Base Dupe Download

This article contains a collection of pre-made DarkRP jobs for use with your Garry’s Mod server hosted with GGServers. You can find a tutorial on creating your own jobs here.

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The entrence is where your base is determined good or bad. Make sure to put KOS on the front of your base if the server has textscreens. You want to build a narrow hallway at the enterance to your base making any raiders feel cramped and surrounded. The best props to use here are fences, barricades, and a specific door (Included a picture). Free Dupe downloads for Garry's Mod - download Dupe for GMod for free. Free Dupe downloads for Garry's Mod - download Dupe for GMod for free. Sign in through Steam; Home; Browse. Reuploads (51,188) Addons (503) Maps (1,408) Models (1,880) Weapons (615) Gamemodes (121) NPCS (242) Vehicles (137) Tools (114).

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TEAM_THIEF = DarkRP.createJob('Thief', {

color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),

model = 'models/player/robber.mdl',

description = [[You are a thief, rob people, lockpick their house and steal their plants and legal printers.]],

weapons = {'lockpick'}, -- You may wanna find a pickpocket swep and add it here.

command = 'thief',

max = 2,

salary = 65,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = false,

category = 'Citizens',



TEAM_HITMAN = DarkRP.createJob('Hitman', {

color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),

model = 'models/player/sunabouzu.mdl',

description = [[People hire you to take out other people,

this job require you to be completely focussed.

A single breath can make you loose a shot.]],

weapons = {'m9k_m24'},

command = 'hitman',

max = 1,

salary = 65,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = false,

category = 'Citizens',


NOTE: In order to make the Hitmenu appear, you need to go to the end of the file located at addons/darkrpmodification/lua/darkrp_customthings/jobs.lua and replace: DarkRP.addHitmanTeam(TEAM_MOB) with: DarkRP.addHitmanTeam(TEAM_HITMAN)

Secret Service:

TEAM_SS = DarkRP.createJob('Secret Service', {

color = Color(100, 20, 20, 255),

model = 'models/player/macdguy.mdl',

description = [[You are responsible for protecting the mayor.

Take care of the old fellow, he is vanuarable to terrorists all the time! Before he enters a room, you need to make sure its secure.]],

weapons = {'weapon_deagle2', 'stunstick', 'weaponchecker'},

command = 'ss',

max = 2,

salary = 65,

admin = 0,

vote = true,

hasLicense = false,

ammo = {

['pistol'] = 60,


category = 'Civil Protection',

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TEAM_SWAT = DarkRP.createJob('SWAT', {

color = Color(25, 25, 170, 255),

model = {'models/player/swat.mdl'},

description = [[The protector of every citizen that lives in the city.

You have the power to arrest criminals and protect innocents.

Hit a player with your arrest baton to put them in jail.

Bash a player with a stunstick and they may learn to obey the law.

The Battering Ram can break down the door of a criminal, with a warrant for their arrest.

The Battering Ram can also unfreeze frozen props (if enabled).

Type /wanted <name> to alert the public to the presence of a criminal.]],

weapons = {'arrest_stick', 'unarrest_stick', 'm9k_m92beretta', 'stunstick', 'door_ram', 'weaponchecker', 'handcuffs'},

command = 'Swat',

max = 4,

salary = 85,

admin = 0,

vote = true,

hasLicense = true,

help = {

'Please don't abuse your job',

'When you arrest someone they are auto transported to jail.',

'They are auto let out of jail after some time',

'Type /warrant [Nick|SteamID|Status ID] to set a search warrant for a player.',

'Type /wanted [Nick|SteamID|Status ID] to alert everyone to a wanted suspect',

'Type /unwanted [Nick|SteamID|Status ID] to clear the suspect',

'Type /jailpos to set the jail position'


category = 'Civil Protection',


Mayor’s Daughter:

TEAM_MD = DarkRP.createJob('Mayor’s Daughter', {

color = Color(255,100,100,255),

model = 'models/player/alyx.mdl',

description = [[You are the mayor’s daughter, walk around with your dad

just chill around. But be careful, you never know when somebody

is waiting to kidnap you!]],

weapons = {},

command = 'mayorsdaughter',

max = 1,

salary = 80,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = false



TEAM_GUARD = DarkRP.createJob('Guard', {

color = Color(0,200,50,255),

model = 'models/player/barney.mdl',

description = [[People will pay for protection, use your weapon or buy one from the local gundealer.]],

weapons = {'weapon_deagle2'},

command = 'guard',

max = 1,

salary = 85,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = true,

category = 'Citizens',


Drug Dealer:

NOTE: You will need to add drug entities to this job, before he can sell.

TEAM_DRUGGY = DarkRP.createJob('Drug Dealer', {

color = Color(51, 204, 255, 255),

model = 'models/player/Kleiner.mdl',

description = [[You deal drugs to those in need.

Be careful, may get arrested if caught in the act!]],

weapons = {},

command = 'drug',

max = 2,

salary = 65,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = false,


category = 'Citizens',



TEAM_JUH = DarkRP.createJob('Juggernaut', {

color = Color(20, 20, 255, 255),

model = 'models/player/robber.mdl',

description = [[]],

weapons = {'m9k_minigun'}, -- You may wanna find a pickpocket swep and add it here.

command = 'jug',

max = 1,

salary = 150,

admin = 0,

vote = true,

hasLicense = false,

category = 'Civil Prottection',

PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(500) end,


SWAT Leader

TEAM_SWATL = DarkRP.createJob('SWAT Leader', {

color = Color(20, 20, 255, 255),

model = {'models/codmw2/codmw2hexe.mdl'},

description = [[The protector of every citizen that lives in the city.

You have the power to arrest criminals and protect innocents.

Hit a player with your arrest baton to put them in jail.

Bash a player with a stunstick and they may learn to obey the law.

The Battering Ram can break down the door of a criminal, with a warrant for their arrest.

The Battering Ram can also unfreeze frozen props (if enabled).

Type /wanted <name> to alert the public to the presence of a criminal.]],

weapons = {'arrest_stick', 'unarrest_stick', 'm9k_m92beretta', 'stunstick', 'door_ram', 'weaponchecker', 'handcuffs'},

command = 'SWAT',

max = 1,

salary = 150,

admin = 0,

vote = true,

hasLicense = true,

help = {

'Please don't abuse your job',

'When you arrest someone they are auto transported to jail.',

'They are auto let out of jail after some time',

'Type /warrant [Nick|SteamID|Status ID] to set a search warrant for a player.',

'Type /wanted [Nick|SteamID|Status ID] to alert everyone to a wanted suspect',

'Type /unwanted [Nick|SteamID|Status ID] to clear the suspect',

'Type /jailpos to set the jail position'


category = 'Civil Protection',


SWAT Sniper:

TEAM_SWATS = DarkRP.createJob('SWAT Sniper', {

color = Color(20, 20, 255, 255),

model = 'models/mw2guy/diver/diver_03.mdl',

description = [[The protector of every citizen that lives in the city.

You have the power to arrest criminals and protect innocents.

Hit a player with your arrest baton to put them in jail.

Bash a player with a stunstick and they may learn to obey the law.

The Battering Ram can break down the door of a criminal, with a warrant for their arrest.

The Battering Ram can also unfreeze frozen props (if enabled).

Type /wanted <name> to alert the public to the presence of a criminal.]],

weapons = {'arrest_stick', 'unarrest_stick', 'm9k_m92beretta', 'stunstick', 'door_ram', 'weaponchecker', 'handcuffs'},

command = 'SWAT',

max = 1,

salary = 120,

admin = 0,

vote = true,

hasLicense = true,

help = {

'Please don't abuse your job',

'When you arrest someone they are auto transported to jail.',

'They are auto let out of jail after some time',

'Type /warrant [Nick|SteamID|Status ID] to set a search warrant for a player.',

'Type /wanted [Nick|SteamID|Status ID] to alert everyone to a wanted suspect',

'Type /unwanted [Nick|SteamID|Status ID] to clear the suspect',

'Type /jailpos to set the jail position'


category = 'Civil Protection',



TEAM_TERROR = DarkRP.createJob('Terrorist', {

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color = Color(255, 140, 0, 255),

model = 'models/codplayers/opfor4.mdl',

description = [[]],

weapons = {'m9k_ak47'}, -- You may wanna find a pickpocket swep and add it here.

command = 'terrorist',

max = 3,

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salary = 150,

admin = 0,

vote = true,

hasLicense = false,

category = 'Citizens',


Terrorist Leader:

TEAM_TERRORL = DarkRP.createJob('Terrorist Leader', {

color = Color(255, 140, 0, 255),

model = 'models/codplayers/opfor4.mdl',

description = [[]],

weapons = {'m9k_ak47', 'm9k_ied_detonator', 'm9k_suicide_bomb', 'm9k_proxy_mine', 'm9k_rpg7'}

command = 'terroristl',

max = 1,

salary = 150,

admin = 0,

vote = true,

hasLicense = false,

category = 'Citizens',


Master Thief:

TEAM_MTHIEF = DarkRP.createJob('Master Thief', {

color = Color(0, 0, 0, 255),

model = 'models/player/robber.mdl',

description = [[You are a thief, rob people, lockpick their house and steal their plants and legal printers.]],

weapons = {'lockpick', 'm9k_tec9', 'pickpocket '}, -- You may wanna find a pickpocket swep and add it here.

command = 'mthief',

max = 4,

salary = 110,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = false,

category = 'Citizens',


Admin On Duty:

TEAM_ADMIN = DarkRP.createJob('Admin On Duty', {

color = Color(150, 20, 20, 255),

model = 'models/player/zeus_combine_v2/zeus_combine_v2.mdl',

description = [[]],

weapons = {},

command = 'aod',

max = 0,

salary = 100,

admin = 1,

vote = false,

hasLicense = false,


SuperAdmin On Duty

TEAM_SADMIN = DarkRP.createJob('SuperAdmin On Duty', {

color = Color(150, 20, 20, 255),

model = 'models/player/zeus_combine_v2/zeus_combine_v2.mdl',

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description = [[]],

weapons = {},

command = 'saod',

max = 0,

salary = 100,

admin = 0,

vote = false,

hasLicense = false,

customCheck = function(ply) return ply:GetUserGroup() 'superadmin' end,


If you feel you need more assistance, or have any issues with your Garry's Mod server, please feel free to submit a support ticket with our GameServer Technical Support Team, and they will be able to help you troubleshoot the issues with your server.